Our matched betting calculator can calculate a qualifying bet or any free bet for you, so you’ll know precisely how much to wager on your lay bet to minimise initial losses and maximise potential winnings.
add_action('wp_ajax_hc_loadmore', 'hc_loadmore_callback'); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_hc_loadmore', 'hc_loadmore_callback'); function hc_loadmore_callback() { $args = unserialize(stripslashes($_POST['query'])); $args['paged'] = $_POST['page'] * 1 + 1; // следующая страница query_posts($args); global $n; $n = 1; // если посты есть if (have_posts()) : if (!empty($args['s']) || is_author()) : $path = 'template-parts/loops/search'; else : $ISsearch = false; if ($args['taxonomy'] == 'bonus-cat') { $path = 'template-parts/loops/bonus'; } else { switch ($args['post_type']) { case 'bonus': $path = 'template-parts/loops/bonus'; break; default: if (is_category()) $path = 'template-parts/loops/posts'; else $path = 'template-parts/loops/posts-archive'; break; } } endif; while (have_posts()): the_post(); get_template_part($path); endwhile; endif; wp_die(); } function hc_loadmore($box, $name) { $name = 'More'; global $wp_query; if ($wp_query->max_num_pages > 1) { ?> wp_enqueue_script('loadmore-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/loadmore/loadmore.js', array('jquery-core', 'jquery'), null, true); ?> } } add_action('wp_ajax_callback_sendpulse', 'callback_sendpulse'); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_callback_sendpulse', 'callback_sendpulse'); function callback_sendpulse() { $response = array(); // if ( empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['confidentiality']) ) { if ( empty($_POST['email']) ) { $response['error'] = 'Enter your email'; $response['code'] = 1; wp_die(json_encode($response)); } if ( !is_email($_POST['email']) ) { $response['error'] = 'Invalid email.'; $response['code'] = 10; wp_die(json_encode($response)); } require("src/ApiInterface.php"); require("src/ApiClient.php"); require("src/Storage/TokenStorageInterface.php"); require("src/Storage/FileStorage.php"); require("src/Storage/SessionStorage.php"); require("src/Storage/MemcachedStorage.php"); require("src/Storage/MemcacheStorage.php"); // API credentials from https://login.sendpulse.com/settings/#api define('API_USER_ID', 'bdb63a2a3ce356940d72bad481983589'); define('API_SECRET', '618da125a934f3b969ad44c6eae5a408'); define('PATH_TO_ATTACH_FILE', '/home/g/geparo123/thetrader.bet/public_html/wp-content/themes/thetrader/inc/sendpulse/'); if ( !class_exists('ApiClient', false) ) { $response['error'] = 'An error has occurred. Please contact the administrator.'; $response['code'] = 100; wp_die(json_encode($response)); } $book = 'Subscribe from the site'; $data = add_new_email($_POST['email'], $book); if ( !empty($data) && $data->result == true ) { $response['success'] = 'Congratulations, you have subscribed to the newsletter.'; wp_die(json_encode($response)); } else { $response['error'] = 'An error has occurred. Please contact the administrator.'; $response['code'] = 200; wp_die(json_encode($response)); } wp_die(json_encode($response)); } function add_new_email($email, $bookName) { $SPApiClient = new ApiClient(API_USER_ID, API_SECRET, new FileStorage()); $bookID = find_address_book($bookName); $emails = array( 'email' => $email, ); // $additionalParams = array( // 'confirmation' => 'force', // ); $response = $SPApiClient->addEmails($bookID, $emails); return $response; } function find_address_book($bookName) { $json = file_get_contents(PATH_TO_ATTACH_FILE . 'books.txt'); if ( !empty($json) ) { $json = json_decode($json, true); $bookID = array_search($bookName, $json); } if ( empty($bookID) ) : $bookID = create_address_book($bookName); endif; return $bookID; } function create_address_book($bookName) { $SPApiClient = new ApiClient(API_USER_ID, API_SECRET, new FileStorage()); $bookID = $SPApiClient->createAddressBook($bookName); if ( !ctype_digit($bookID) ) { $books = $SPApiClient->listAddressBooks(); $key = array_search( $bookName, array_column($books, 'name') ); $bookID = $books[$key]->id; if ( !ctype_digit($bookID) ) { $response['error'] = 'An error has occurred. Please contact the administrator. Code: ' . json_encode($books); $response['code'] = 500; wp_die(json_encode($response)); } } $json = file_get_contents(PATH_TO_ATTACH_FILE . 'books.txt'); if ( !empty($json) ) $json = json_decode($json, true); $json[$bookID] = $bookName; file_put_contents( PATH_TO_ATTACH_FILE . 'books.txt', json_encode($json) ); return $bookID; }
Our matched betting calculator can calculate a qualifying bet or any free bet for you, so you’ll know precisely how much to wager on your lay bet to minimise initial losses and maximise potential winnings.